Saturday, May 11, 2013

"They Toil Not..."

   I have been training for a half-marathon in June. It is good for me to have a race to train for; it means I am actually consistent with my running. We are blessed to live out in the country, so it is very easy for me to start running and get away from cars and people. I just get to enjoy the sound of my feet on the pavement and any other sound Nature wants to send my way.

   Today, I chose a route I have never been on before. I also chose to run at about 8:00 am. For the first 2 miles or so, I was constantly looking over my shoulder and checking to make sure no one was following me, no cars were too close to me, no stalkers were about to abduct me, and so forth. The skill of constant vigilance while running is one I acquired while running the streets of Provo. Cars pull out of underground parking lots without a glance at the small women they nearly run over! Hence, I have been a bit of a paranoid runner ever since. And while I do believe that a certain amount of awareness of my surroundings is a good thing, I felt today that it was detracting from the joy of my run.

   When this thought came to me, I noticed some beautiful yellow birds flying in and out of the bushes along the dirt path I ran. They were so free to fly wherever they chose. "But they have to be careful!" I thought. "What if a car hits them, or a hawk kills them, or a cougar, or a (I'm not sure what other predatory animals live in upstate New York)...?" And as I watched these majestic birds in flight, another thought came to mind. "They are birds. They are supposed to fly. Do they let the worry of predators or perils prevent them from doing what they were innately meant to do? They do not let the fear of the unknown ground them. They have faith that God will provide as they do what they have been called to do, namely fly."

   As the Savior taught, "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap.... Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:" (Matt. 6:26, 28). God watches over and provides. Would He not do the same for me? But I caution, don't take these verses out of context. It is not saying that we should not work because God will just take care of us. Christ was speaking directly to the apostles about their mission and His work. Truly faith would allow these men to work without the typical cares of the world. While they were about the Lord's business, He would take care of them in their calling, just as He takes care of the fowls of the air in theirs.

   And will He not do so for me in mine? With faith, the Lord will protect and provide. I thought on this for the rest of my run. The last miles were full of joy.