Wednesday, November 30, 2022

I Wrote a Book!

 I wrote a book. Much like other things in my life, it has been a project in the works for many years. I usually have about 300 projects in progress at any moment. This one has been going for a while...since 2017 when my son used to say "flamango" instead of "flamingo". His mistake was the genesis of this book. He was 3. Now he's 8! 

I crocheted the animals that are the main characters. It was a fun and challenging way to illustrate. I have never seen another book done this way. I spent many hours making the animals, photographing them, painting backgrounds, and formatting....But IT IS DONE! 

And you can search for it on Amazon! 

And put it in your cart. 

And buy it. 

A book. 

That I wrote. 


This is a goal on my bucket list. Now it's done! How exciting!

Here's the link if you want to buy it. It's pretty cute.